Student jobs and internships

At CIMA+, we believe that career fulfillment should start with your first internship or student job. Whether you're a college, CEGEP or university student, embarking on your career journey or exploring a new direction, our team welcomes you. Immerse yourself in a vibrant entrepreneurial environment that fosters innovation, creativity, initiative, and a harmonious balance between personal and professional life. Explore the opportunities for student jobs and internships outlined below, or feel free to submit a spontaneous application! We look forward to meeting you.

**Note: Some opportunities are only available in French.


  • Job title
  • Location
  • Level
  • Sector
  • Post date

Welcome to a place where your skills and passion can reach their full potential.

Whether you're embarking on the early stages of your career, resuming your education, or beginning anew in Canada, there's a spot for you at CIMA+. Eager to engage with you, our team frequently visits educational institutions—for career days, class presentations, or to support your student committee. If you see us on campus, come and meet us in person! You can also apply for a job or an internship above or send us your spontaneous application.

We're looking forward to meeting you.

CIMA+ is coming to you!

Date Event Location
September 24, 2024 CO-OP and Jobs Career Fair ÉTS
September 10, 2024 Engineering and IT Career Fair Sherbrooke University
September 23-26, 2024 Engineering Career Fair Polytechnique of Montreal
October 21, 2024 Open House Day Kiuna College
October 24, 2024 Networking Night – EUS (Engineering Undergraduate Society) McGill University
November 1-2, 2024 Women in Engineering Sherbrooke University
January 3-7, 2025 Quebec Engineering Games ÉTS

FAQ for internships and student jobs at CIMA+

We embrace individuals like you, dynamic and brimming with ideas, commencing your studies, returning to school, or on the cusp of graduation. You can find the right job or internship opportunity at CIMA+. Apply above or send us a spontaneous application. You can also consult our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Framework to understand how CIMA+ is guiding its efforts towards a more egalitarian future. 


What is an internship or student employment experience like at CIMA+?

At CIMA+, we want you to feel at home. We take the integration of our interns and students to heart, so you'll be assigned to a team and a project in which you can fully participate. Our goal is to provide you with a work environment that fosters the development of your skills and knowledge, tailored to your specific interests.

How can I apply for an internship or student job at CIMA+?

Our internships are posted simultaneously on school portals and on our website, in the "Student jobs and internships" section above. You can also send us a spontaneous application.

What's the difference between an internship and a student job?

Unlike internships, student employment is not part of the academic curriculum, and no study credits are awarded.

How do I know if I'm eligible for an internship?

Your internship should be an integral component of your academic curriculum and officially acknowledged by your program of study.

To determine the specific internship requirements for your program, please get in touch with the designated individual overseeing internships at your educational institution.

How do I know if I'm eligible for student employment?

You must be a student in an educational institution at the vocational, college or university level during your employment with CIMA+.

Which programs do you recruit for internships and student jobs?

We recruit in many fields, mainly engineering. We have positions available for students pursuing a diploma of vocational studies (DEP), college diploma (AEC, technical, and DEC) or university degree (bachelor's or master's).

Are internships and student jobs paid?

Yes, our internships and student jobs are paid according to the current salary scale.

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