Our values

Our culture of excellence is based on five key values that provide the framework and direction for all of our programs and action plans.

Ethics and integrity

The aim of our compliance program is to adopt and maintain ethical business practices. This entails complying with all applicable laws and regulations and taking the expectations and concerns of our employees, clients and partners into consideration.

Our employees and our management team receive training in ethics, and every year, they renew their commitment to complying with the Code of Ethics and Conduct in writing. Any person, whether employed by CIMA+ or not, can communicate with Clearview, an independent supplier, in total anonymity, to report a possible breach of ethics. In order to ensure full transparency, CIMA+ publishes the various tools and mechanisms used for its compliance program on this website.

Team spirit

CIMA+ was built by professionals who are both visionary and innovative, but above all, the firm owes its history of continuous success to their team spirit.

The very essence of engineering work is anchored in the collaboration of multidisciplinary teams, with specialists who boast distinct and complementary skills. In order for everyone to pull in the same direction, with a shared vision, CIMA+ prioritizes communication, equity, cooperation, respect for others and open-mindedness.


Excellence in engineering requires innovation, which is critical to meeting and exceeding the expectations of our clients.

At CIMA+, curious minds are recognized and rewarded annually, because any inspiration can become tomorrow’s leading breakthrough, whether it means improving the performance of our internal processes, improving the quality of deliverables, cutting costs or providing state-of-the-art services.

Various training and professional development programs are made available to our employees to satisfy the passion and drive to excel that motivates them. Our Quality Management System, is certified as being in conformity with ISO 9001:2015 standard by Intertek*. Our annual performance assessment process applies to all hierarchical levels of the organization, right up to the Board of Directors.


* The scope of the certificate excludes CIMA+ Construction inc, Pragtec inc, Eramosa Engineering inc, Barrie, Guelph, Red Lake, Sorel-Tracy, Terrace, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Vancouver and Victoria offices, TEMPUS migration system and TV inspection service.


CIMA+ may be a large company, but it is driven by the same spirit of entrepreneurship that is characteristic of smaller organizations.

In practice, this translates into an organizational structure comprising fewer hierarchical levels. As a result, our employees benefit from extensive autonomy at work, and always have the leeway required to adapt solutions to evolving project conditions. Because they interact directly with clients and partners, they take the success of the projects with which they are entrusted to heart, and are further motivated to contribute to business development.

Social responsibility

In concert with our clients and our employees, we place a great deal of importance on the social and environmental behaviour of our organization and of the partners with whom we do business. 

At CIMA+, social responsibility started with philanthropy. Since its founding, the firm has been involved in the community, specifically through money or service donations in areas such as health, education and research. Sustainable development was integrated into our core values in 2012, and we adopted a policy that focuses on four areas of action, along with programs aimed at reducing our carbon footprint. Since 2014, we have reported on our performance as an organization by publishing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report every two years, guided by the principles of the Global Reporting Initiative, which is the highest international standard in this area.

Being a responsible organization also means putting the health and safety of our people, and the population in general, at the heart of the services that we deliver. All of our activities comply with recognized occupational health and safety laws and standards. At our work sites, we have the skills required to prepare and implement an accident prevention program and to enact emergency procedures, as required. We also hold certificates of recognition (COR®) in five Canadian provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador.

In addition, over the years, we have partnered with various Indigenous Nations across Canada to successfully deliver numerous projects for the creation and maintenance of sustainable communities.

At CIMA+, we acknowledge the history, diversity of Indigenous Peoples, and their contribution to Canada. We strive to build strong, respectful, and trusting relationships based on truth with Indigenous partners who have generously shared their knowledge and wisdom with us. We have learned a lot by working with Indigenous peoples across Canada to achieve common goals and look forward to continuing to do so.

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