Health and Safety

Protecting health and safety should be at the heart of organizations’ and individuals’ values, since the consequences of not giving it the attention it deserves can be dramatic and irreversible.

At CIMA+, we strive to create and maintain safe working environments for our people, our clients and our community. And we believe that we all have a role to play in achieving this.

Our strategic approach to health and safety

Our health and safety management strategy is based on four areas of intervention, which are at the heart of every project we carry out with our clients:

  • Leading by example
  • Engaging people
  • Managing risks
  • Measuring performance

Both within our organization and when working with our clients, we make sure we set an example by adopting safe work practices inspired by our HSE Golden Rules. We also promote knowledge transfer and transparent communication to raise awareness among our teams, those of our clients and our community of the importance of protecting human life.

Working at heights, in confined spaces, near waterways or live power systems: there may be numerous hazards in the field. That's why, before each project, we identify hazards, assess the associated risks, determine the means of control needed, and ensure that the level of risk is acceptable before we start work.

In 2022, here are some of the statistics set out for all Canadian organizations by the Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada:


work-related deaths
accepted claims for lost-time accidents
due to contact with objects and equipment
due to falls
due to body reactions and efforts
related to our sector of activity

Properly identifying risks to better control them

Some aging infrastructure was designed at a time when risks to people's health and safety were not as well known, identified and documented as they are today. These include asbestos, silica, lead and other harmful substances, which can be found in the materials used and cause serious health problems that are often degenerative and incurable. Another risk factor is the layout of premises where daily operations or maintenance work are carried out. This layout can sometimes be outdated or no longer meet current standards, thus increasing the risk of injury.

CIMA+'s specialized health and safety teams can support you in identifying hazards and assessing risks in your facilities, whether when designing new ones, bringing existing ones up to standard, or assessing compliance thereof. Our goal is to present you with control measures tailored to your needs and share the knowledge, advice and tools you need to achieve your health and safety objectives in the short, medium and long term.

Protecting life without compromising project success

At any time during a project, our project managers can consult with our health and safety specialists. This synergy between our teams ensures that the protection of human life remains at the heart of every project we deliver.

Promoting responsibility for health and safety requires a collaborative approach both within our teams and with the companies we advise. We work in partnership with our clients to ensure that they understand the risks associated with their activities so they can control them.

To ensure safety on construction sites, our specialists also use innovative technological tools. For example, the Intelex platform enables incidents to be reported in real time, informing those concerned so that appropriate action can be undertaken. The platform is also used to carry out field-level risk assessments. The greatest advantage of this platform is that it allows information to be collated in one place, data to be analyzed, trends to be identified and action to be undertaken – all in real time.

" Health and safety are synonymous with accountability. We cannot turn a blind eye and must be accountable for our actions. At CIMA+, we create a strong health and safety culture by educating our people, listening to them and raising their awareness "

Mélanie Barbe,
Senior Director HSE

Our commitment to health and safety

We are convinced that collaboration, innovation and knowledge transfer are essential to support the creation of safe work environments, for ourselves, our clients and our community.

This belief is reflected in many of our initiatives. Health and safety committees are in place in most of our offices. We offer training programs to help our managers understand their responsibilities and our organization's expectations in terms of health and safety. In everything we do, we encourage a dynamic of mutual support and proactive listening, so that we fully understand concerns and issues at stake.

It is through such initiatives that our teams demonstrate their determination to put the protection of health and safety at the forefront of every project we carry out with our clients.

Risk management at CIMA+ 

CIMA+: a one-stop solution for all your consulting engineering needs

We are proud of our multidisciplinary approach. By offering you everything under one roof, it’s simple to partner with us and deliver any project, quickly and always on time.

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