CIMA+ is championing the energy transition through smart, sustainable strategies. Our approach focuses on reducing energy footprints while ensuring detailed planning, financial feasibility and the true impact our strategies offer. By rethinking the way we do things and identifying how we can do them better, we are a visionary partner that will transform Canada’s energy landscape for a more sustainable future.
CIMA+: Where Corporate Governance Equals Performance
CIMA+ pioneers the energy transition by initially planning smaller pilot projects that gradually evolve into larger initiatives. We foresee future technology integrations, emphasizing long-term planning akin to European models.
As a responsible corporate citizen, we apply our in-depth knowledge in energy transition to help clients develop compelling business cases that detail achievable energy savings and performance levels. We offer comprehensive support, conducting energy audits and creating roadmaps to guide our clients. CIMA+ is present from the project start-up to completion, offering end-to-end assistance.
Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy aligns with the impact we expect our projects to have and our company's corporate values. Internally, we promote sustainable practices, such as public transit and workplace modifications, to minimize our carbon footprint.
Energy transition, in figures
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The Energy Transition: In Sync With Your Business
Energy footprint reduction and the transition to renewable energy is not an overnight process. It can be complex and requires an extensive understanding of each business context. The solutions CIMA+ offers are viable, future-proofed, and in line with each client’s ESG strategy.
CIMA+ recognizes the challenges in making renewable energy equitable. Understanding that geographical location and the type of industry impacts can affect energy costs and influence transition decisions, we leverage our technical skills to offer alternatives in line with corporate goals.
This is why we have developed an expertise in helping companies make the transition towards renewable energy solutions at scale and in an ever-evolving landscape.
We advocate for government incentives to motivate organizations towards their unique energy transition. A shift in client culture is also required for greener options to move away from the perceived notions they are more expensive and viewing energy savings based solely on price-per-kilowatt-hour.
Discover how our approach in syncing energy-saving projects and their ROI makes smart business sense.
Eric Cantin,
Project Director and Partner
Tap Into New Energy Opportunities
CIMA+ works with our clients to optimize energy use and maintain cost effectiveness, navigating shifts, such as transitioning from fossil fuels to electric cars, which alters neighbourhood energy demands. We support clients in balancing energy efficiency upgrades with capacity limitations, ensuring they do not overburden their infrastructure assets.
Our team ensures energy remains affordable, so clients can budget for the long term without sacrificing their ability to invest in other projects.
We also help clients explore diverse renewable energy sources. For instance, we assisted a developer in assessing the feasibility and cost implications of using solar energy for its nature park. This involved presenting alternatives for the periods of low sun exposure, highlighting the importance of multi-source energy solutions.
Whether you want to harness hydroelectricity, biofuelds, wind power, solar power, or geothermal energy effectively, CIMA+ can help make it happen.
CIMA+: A One-stop Solution for All Your Engineering Needs
We are proud of our multidisciplinary approach. By offering you everything under one roof, it’s simple to partner with us and deliver any project, quickly and always on time.