Traffic management and control

Managing and controlling traffic during the construction or rehabilitation phase is critical to the safety of workers and road users. As construction progresses, the impact on traffic must constantly be reassessed and mobility must always be maintained in and around construction sites.


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Work without impact on users

The biggest traffic control challenge is to accurately and effectively deliver information in advance and in real time, whether it is about the work in progress, changes in traffic conditions, or detours and barriers that must be created or modified. Every effort must also be made to minimize the impact of the construction phase on users’ mobility.

The CIMA+ team knows the issues at stake for optimal traffic management during large-scale road projects, regardless of their progress. Our experts can draw up management plans based on users’ mobility needs to minimize the negative impact of roadwork on traffic. Thanks to their extensive expertise, our team can effectively guide you through any temporary traffic control process at each step of your construction projects.

Our expertise: facts and figures

CIMA+’s achievements span more than 30 years and speak for themselves: we play a key role in developing tomorrow’s sustainable solutions.

years of experience in traffic management and control
More than 40 experts
Supervision of 150+ construction sites per year
Coordination of 100+ projects per year

Discover our traffic management and control projects

Our teams have successfully completed hundreds of large-scale engineering projects.

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