Dominique Brault, P. Eng
Innovation and thinking about the future
Dominique Brault has worked in the traffic and transportation sector for more than 20 years, acquiring a wealth of experience in both the administrative and technical aspects, which has enabled her to manage projects of all sizes. She has developed a diversity of expertise in various fields, including transportation planning, as specifically reflected in her involvement in large-scale projects involving sustainable mobility. She oversees a team of professionals with widely recognized expertise in the market in executing projects related to intelligent management and operation of road networks, static and dynamic signage and sustainable and urban mobility. She is also involved in enhancing the Company’s profile at a variety of events and developing a business strategy aimed at achieving its growth and professional development targets.
We had the opportunity to meet with Dominique and get to know her better. During this conversation, she spoke to us about recruitment, innovation, her vision of the future and the impact of transportation on our lives.
In your opinion, what is the most important issue that the transportation sector in Canada will face over the next 10 years?
One of the major issues will be developing the workforce required to accomplish all of the work that is coming up in the next few years. There is a great deal of investment planned for ongoing transportation improvements at both the federal and provincial levels, especially in connection with public transit and transportation electrification. We must be flexible in order to respond quickly and adapt to these emerging markets, because engineering firms have a major role to play in environmental matters. This is why CIMA+ has set the goal of developing this sector and finding specialists to support us in this effort.
With your many years of experience, you have been involved in the execution of many transportation projects. Can you tell me about one project with CIMA+ that you are particularly proud of, and explain why?
The projects that I have been most excited about are those related to public transit, because of the major impact they have on the life of users. Reducing travel times and gaining a better understanding of users’ habits helps us to improve the public transit system and have a positive impact on the environment at the same time. They are also incredible examples of multidisciplinary projects that inspire CIMA+ to innovate and create intelligent and well-thought-out networks.
What are you most passionate about at CIMA+?
The opportunity to execute projects, the level of engagement of the staff and the confidence that the Company shows in its employees! The entrepreneurial spirit is promoted and fostered in everyone at CIMA+. Whether an initiative relates to emerging or innovative projects, business development or installation design, the Company offers many opportunities for anyone who wants to get involved.
What advice would you give to the next generation of women in engineering?
We make a huge difference! We are not here to replace men in the field, but to work together to create projects that are well considered and reflect a 360 degree approach. In the area of business strategy in particular, the ideas that arise from working together enable us to deal with matters that may have otherwise been overlooked, and helps us to see and understand every stage more clearly. To those who may hesitate to jump into a primarily male environment, I say GO FOR IT! You really can make a difference!
To all future engineers, whether they are men or women, I encourage you not to hesitate and to broaden your horizons to become more than an engineer. You have the ability to innovate and develop multiple talents that will give you an advantage in the labour market and make you a better thinker and a better engineer.