Hanna region Transmission Development (HRTD) project

Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) required transmission network upgrade because of the pipeline expansion and wind farm construction in Alberta’s East Central region.

The transmission network upgrade included the construction of 240 km of 240 kV and 140 km of 144 kV transmission lines, 5 new substations and modifications to 12 others. Due to a very tight schedule, the project was carried out in “Fast Track” mode. The stages of engineering, surveying and procurement were therefore performed simultaneously.

CIMA+ provided a team of 55 professionals at the peak of the project, combining expertise in engineering, geomatics, and project management as well as sub-contractor management (geotechnical investigation, surveying). Furthermore, CIMA+ made recommendations to the proposed route to accommodate and minimize the environmental impact on sensitive areas.

For more information on CIMA+’s contribution to the “substation” component of this project, click here .

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