Manitoba Hydro: Replacement of motorized disconnect switches at the Dorsey HVDC substation

CIMA+ is currently working on the refurbishment of the Dorsey converter station, a major substation in Manitoba. Over 70% of electricity produced in Manitoba is transmitted through Dorsey, in operation since 1972.

The substation was in need of modernization works to prevent failures and ensure proper operation of the HVDC system, namely. Total refurbishment cost of the substation: $78M over five years.

CIMA+ is responsible for part of the detailed engineering for the replacement of 230 kV DC motorized switches.

Manitoba Hydro’s AC/DC converter stations required the replacement of the original switchyard high-voltage disconnects switches for the Valve Groups. This included three high-voltage DC disconnect switches (anode, cathode, bypass) and the converter transformer valve side winding AC switches. The switches will be replaced over a period of three years.

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