Strategic Planning of administrative office space for Ville de Montréal

Ville de Montréal‘s Strategic Plan is a component of the implementation of the Real Estate Master Plan for major administrative buildings adopted by the Service de la gestion et de la planification immobilière (SGPI) de la Ville de Montréal.

It goes without saying that the world of work has undergone profound transformations, and this has led to unprecedented adjustments in the management of organizational spaces. CIMA+ is proud to be able to support the City of Montreal in its projects to consolidate and densify the spaces affecting each of them.

Our team provides guidance for the client throughout the process of implementing the Strategic Plan and manages a portfolio of projects defined by the City. Toward this end, a team of CIMA+ project managers has been incorporated into Ville de Montréal’s SGPI team in order to take responsibility for the implementation of a number of projects involving various buildings within the City’s property inventory.

Our project managers direct and coordinate cross-functional and multidisciplinary teams with a view to ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget while meeting the needs of the various clients and reporting levels. Our knowledge and experience facilitate the proper application of methodologies to projects using best practices.

CIMA+ plays a prominent role within the planning team, and has been providing continuity in the deployment of the City’s Strategic Plan for many years.

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