Burnhamthorpe Road West Environmental Assessment

Burnhamthorpe Road West is a major arterial road serving a busy and well-established residential and commercial area in the City of Mississauga. To ensure proper capacity, a review of existing traffic volumes and future needs was carried out.

CIMA+ was retained by the City of Mississauga to undertake a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to assess and identify a preferred design to achieve the client’s goal of building a multimodal city that offers a range of transportation modes, including walking, cycling, public transit as well as private and commercial vehicles.

Several alternatives and design concepts were assessed in this study to address potential operational deficiencies with improvements to intersections, provision for active transportation facilities and space for transit amenities, as well as increase the capacity within the corridor through road widening. For each alternative, the social, cultural, economic and natural environmental impacts were assessed and evaluated. Technical design challenges include minimize impact to existing utilities and existing trees, as well as ability to accommodate the future cross section with limited widening of the structure over Highway 403. The final design was identified based on findings of the evaluation in consultation with the public and regulatory agencies.

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