Construction of a new Desjardins Sports Complex

CIMA+ provided Académie Saint-Louis with support services for the construction of a new Desjardins Sports Complex, a project that includes one of the largest gymnasiums in the Québec City region and a spacious atrium, both of which are well-suited to hosting major events.

Davis Boyer

The mandate given to CIMA+ was to manage construction of the new Desjardins Sports Complex project. This facility provides students and the public with high-quality installations in an exceptional environment. To ensure the viability of all phases of the project, from design to delivery, CIMA+ targeted a proper balance between flexibility and a disciplined approach.

Recognizing the needs of its students and the community, the Académie undertook this project to meet growing demand from the student body and to provide the public in the broader Québec City region with spaces close to home where they can enjoy sports and leisure activities. The construction presented a number of challenges. The project management team was required to operate within a very tight timeline and limited budget, work with a number of partners looking over its shoulders, carry out the work in an active environment and respond to community concerns.

CIMA+ applied integrated practices from the beginning of the project, and a number of workshops with the client served to draw up the needs list. CIMA+ ensured that the project would meet the Académie‘s needs by adopting innovative solutions to allow for compliance with the budget and timeline. Proper risk management, close monitoring of requirements and ongoing coordination with the various representatives facilitated delivery of a project that meets the objectives established by the stakeholders.

Keeping in mind the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in terms of achieving the project objectives, CIMA+ succeeded in creating a work atmosphere that facilitated cohesiveness within the project team. With respect to construction operations, CIMA+ organized meetings with some subcontractors to present the 3D mock-up and teach them how to use it. This approach created an environment in which the stakeholders formed a team, and was conducive to the acquisition of a collective body of knowledge.

Despite a very tight construction schedule right from the beginning and the unavoidable interruption of the work due to COVID-19, the close collaboration among all stakeholders and the equally close coordination of activities by CIMA+ made it possible to adequately prioritize the construction work and meet the Académie‘s main objectives while respecting the initial budget.

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